The saltwater tank has been nice and stable, the phosphates are in check now, and it was looking a tad empty, so yesterday it was time for - guess what..... a trip to the fishstore!
The existing residents:
Four 4- line Damselfish
Sea urchin
an emerald crab
couple of Mushroom corals that came in on some frags
It has grown!
Another one
several anemones
some Zoa polyps that aren't doing too good now; need to upgrade lighting. :(
Several of these. What the heck are these things!
It has a shell. And antennae.
Here are the new residents:
Sand sifting starfish
2 snails for the sand.
That's his antenna. He's buried under there. hehe
2 snails for the glass (turbo)
hermit crabs
bonus: emerald crab!
Bi-color Blenny
4 Chromis
Tank is looking much healthier and alive now!
Greatly in part to this new sump David put together for me, to help out with filteration
Safe(r) Vaping
5 years ago