Well, the cucumber has not been too happy for the past couple of days. Bought him on Thurs the 17th, so he's still new. He has been doing fine. But on Saturday, he looked like this pic below. That weird cornsilk-looking stuff is called his viscera, which is toxic stuff they use as a defense mechanism. He kept it hanging out there all day long.
Sunday, he clearly meant business because he ejected the viscera. I'm glad I was home to siphon it out. I touched a couple strands of it and it seemed to sting my thumb! It turned red and hurt. I poured vinegar on it (having heard to do this just that morning on Nat.Geo TV! when getting stung by a box jellyfish to prevent any more stingers from firing their venom.)
I wrote to the helpful staff of Wet Web Media and Bob promptly answered to confirm some questions I had. I feel better getting knowledge from someone who truly knows answers. I tried a couple of forums (my own just doesn't have much saltwater following, having stemmed from a betta community) and have met so far only with nothing, or criticism (nothing at *all* wrong with constructive criticism but minus the constructive part is flat out useless).
All of that to say.... that now I am officially ready (and properly motivated) to take the 20-gallon fresh water tank now and convert it into a saltwater. The Convict cichlid who was occupying it will just have to move back to a 10 because I'm not giving up a 20-long from another pet for him, nor would I have a place to put it when water-filled anyway. Plus the 20-tall tank has its own sturdy stand. If I want, I could even move it into my bedroom.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Unhappy Cucumber
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11:20 AM
Labels: fish
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The tank is yay!
The light bulb in my tank went out a couple days ago so I was running on an old backup bulb. But we've been talking about the need for increased lighting in the tank already. So instead of just replacing the bulb, David helped out my tank by upgrading my lighting fixture! :D Now it holds 2 bulbs instead of one. So one's a white light 32 watt, and one's a blue light 40 watt. This really ought to help things out!
Not only will the surviving plants and corals now be able to thrive, now I will be able to add new ones to the tank without hesitation. Though they were getting by, they require the additional wattage in lighting to propel forward any. Also, now the polyps that were just hanging in there ought to begin to look healthy again. The mushrooms were doing pretty good but the plants were not, except for some small clumps that hung in there. Those ought to really take off now.
Also bought at the LFS yesterday while we were getting the bulbs - a beautiful Pentaca anceps pink and yellow sea cucumber,
and an Arrow Crab.
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10:00 AM
Labels: fish
Sunday, September 20, 2009
New Saltwater Friends
The saltwater tank has been nice and stable, the phosphates are in check now, and it was looking a tad empty, so yesterday it was time for - guess what..... a trip to the fishstore!
The existing residents:
Four 4- line Damselfish
Sea urchin
an emerald crab
couple of Mushroom corals that came in on some frags
It has grown!
Another one
several anemones
some Zoa polyps that aren't doing too good now; need to upgrade lighting. :(
Several of these. What the heck are these things!
It has a shell. And antennae.
Here are the new residents:
Sand sifting starfish
2 snails for the sand.
That's his antenna. He's buried under there. hehe
2 snails for the glass (turbo)
hermit crabs
bonus: emerald crab!
Bi-color Blenny
4 Chromis
Tank is looking much healthier and alive now!
Greatly in part to this new sump David put together for me, to help out with filteration
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1:42 PM
Labels: fish